> "The League Of Maniacs" wants YOU!!!
Before I even begin, I just want to make sure that everyone know that this site is a quest of LOVE, not a quest for money. I do put a huge portion of time into this and bills gotsta be paid, so ANY donation will be appreciated beyond appreciated. Be it merely a dollar or a couple million (did you hear that Bill Gates?)

Did you get a bit of a cackle, chortle, chuckle, giggle, or guffaw from this site? Could you find it in your heart to help with the ongoing struggle of the Maniac's bills so that he may continue with the creation of this weirdness?

By making a donation (info and links below), you can help the Drooling Maniac continue "The Great Quest For Bad Humor, Horrible Horror, and Kick Ass Metal" without having to resort to super-annoying advertisements stuffed all over the site. Pay Pal is fast, free, and secure.

All Donations will be anonymous and no information will ever be posted on this site (or elsewhere). If you DO want to show your Maniac Pride, read about joining "The League Of Maniacs" below.

> Become a member of the "The League Of Maniacs"

Would you like to become a PROUD member of the O-fficial Drooling Maniac's "The League Of Maniacs" (the coolest club ever to grace this site)

WHAT DO YOU GET: You will be added to the way cool list of members (no monetary amounts will ever be posted anywhere). The TOP DONATING members of the month will be listed in the great "The League Of Maniacs" section on the Home Page. Show the world how proud you are of crappy humor, post your own website for other to see (get that Maniac traffic), or just give a shout out. You will also be added to the super secret "The League Of Maniacs" Mailing List which is absolutely NO different than the regular mailing list. Ofcourse, if you don't want to be on the list, just contact me and I'll take you off.

HOW TO BECOME A MEMBER: It's simple. When you make a donation (click on the Pay Pay buttons above to start), send me your information (see below) by either entering it into the "Message to Seller (Optional)" on the Pay Pal Donation page (during Review after you log-in) or send an email to me at themaniac@droolingmaniac.com after you have completed the donation.

INFORMATION NEEDED: Just send the following info and that's it. Then you're official.

  • REQUIRED: Your Name, Nickname, Handle, or Alias you want to use.
  • OPTIONAL: Your website and/or email that you would like posted.
  • OPTIONAL: A small shout out of no more than 40 letters.

Note Concerning Content Information: Though almost anything will be posted for "The League Of Maniacs" and my standards are extremely low, rauchy, and downright gross, I still may wield the administrative sword of might to edit or delete information if I find it to be extremely hateful, super holy shit pornagraphic, etc. It would have to be REALLY bad though. I mean REALLY REALLY bad.